Parent & Student Testimonials

A note from Veda Johnson, mom of former Quo Vadis student Josh Johnson:

“You and Byron and Quo Vadis have meant a great deal in our educational adventure and our lives. In his first semester [at Pepperdine University], Josh commented that he wished he had been in a private college prep school, like so many of his classmates, so that he would have been better prepared. That, of course, was crushing. But by the end of his first semester and into the second semester, he was amazed how many of his prep school classmates didn’t really know how to think, how to form a logical, well-supported argument, or how to write a well-constructed paper. His knowledge of history amazed others and he didn’t understand why they didn’t know all that he knew and more. Byron, thanks, and you rock!

Ana, the poise and ability he has to present himself in discussions and arguments, is rooted in the stage work, training, and confidence gained through the plays under your direction. And having had Spanish, gave him the confidence to tackle German and Germany.

Thank you, both, for all you’ve been in our lives.”

Former Quo Vadis student Chandler Raine, now nearing his college graduation, has this to say about History 104, Modern History and Government

“One of the most important aspects of any student’s education is an understanding of the system of government that we all live under. This is a lesson that is certainly learned throughout the year in Quo Vadis Educator’s History 104 class. The class provides students the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the American governmental structure and provides lessons ranging from the importance of a bicameral legislature to the passion for equality found in the American people. Throughout the semester students will study Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, which is a foreigner’s view of the United States. De Tocqueville takes his readers on an intimate journey with the United States and studies everything from her society to her democratic republic. As an individual that has been through the course, there is no doubt in my mind that the time spent during History 104 is the foundation for my choice of majors, as well as my career path. In my experience, the class ignited a passion for the law and politics. However, whether that is the path that one is to choose or not, it is vital for all individuals to know and understand the details about the system that our elected leaders operate under. Along with that comprehension of the federal structure, History 104 encourages students to think for themselves and truly develops critical thinking skills through course work and discussion. These tools are vital to success in any career or education, and the lessons that I learned through History 104 and Quo Vadis Educators have been invaluable to my studies. After studying under the Clarks, students will have an upper hand on their classmates at almost any institution, as Quo Vadis truly prepares students for post-high school education, while other students are simply being prepared for standardized tests.”

~ Chandler Raine


All classes taught at Household of Faith Church,
1550 Wynn Joyce in south Garland near Broadway and I-30.

972.271.0673 (home office)
972.240.0596 (church office)

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